Preschool programs can enhance school readiness, lay the foundation for later achievement, and improve graduation rates. However, the positive impact of preschool programs is only felt if they are of high quality and their results can be demonstrated. Without a focus on high standards, this will not happen.
All children are capable of learning, achieving and making developmental progress.
Children develop at different rates, and each child is unique in his/her own development, growth, and acquisition of skills.
Children are active learners. A primary approach to learning is through purposeful play.
The family is a significant contributor to children’s lifelong learning and development.
Children readily acquire 2 or more languages given the right environment and stimulus. There is brief window of opportunity before the age of 6, where the mind of a young child has a unique ability to acquire language. However, as their brains start maturing, they lose this flexible ability to pick up new languages.By the time they reach puberty, children already have their language tied into reasoning, meaning and structure, and any new language study really involves translation into languages already known by that child, rather than innate fluency independent of other languages.
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